Verbal Reasoning Mock Test - SSB Intelligence Test (OIR)
Question paper of SSB OIR verbal reasoning mock test consists of 50 questions. SSB aspirants may make best use of online SSB OIR mock test to practice for SSB interview. Present mock test questions are from the following verbal reasoning categories.
- Analogy
- Blood Relation
- Coding and Decoding
- Classification
- Jumbled words/sentences
- Number series
- Number quiz
- Alphabet test
- Odd man out
- Directions
- Distance
- Speed
- Dictionary Order
- Age
Pattern of this verbal reasoning OIR test is same as that of SSB interview OIR. So candidates who are preparing for the interview will have good idea about the SSB OIR test.
So go on and attempt this SSB OIR mock test for free here.
Detailed Instructions
Each question carried one mark.There is no negative marking.
Thirty minutes time is available for attempting the online SSB intelligence mock test.