June 2017 Current Affairs Practice Mock Test
Check out online current affairs mock test for June 2017 events. Total 52 most relevant current affairs of June 2017 are included in the mock test for all aspirants who are preparing for the exam.
Online current affairs mock test June 2017 covers all awards, sport events, appointments and various other important questions that are likely to come in upcoming exams such as AFCAT, SSB, NDA, CDSE, Bank PO and IBPS.
If you are preparing for any defence or civil competitive exam in India, you should attempt this online current affairs mock test to check your preparation level. You will come to know about your strength and weakness by attempting the current affairs practice test. So go on and try answering June 2017 current affairs mock test here.
Detailed Instructions
Each question contains 3 marks.One mark will be deducted for each wrong answer.