Original EKT 1 2015 question paper with answer key
Looking for original EKT question papers and answer key for them? Check out this EKT 1 2015 question paper exclusive for mechanical engineering stream candidates. If you are a mechanical engineer and looking for EKT previous year question papers, here is an opportunity to appear in online test. There are total 50 questions asked by IAF in EKT mechanical question paper and maximum time given is 45 minutes. Though the question paper is little bit easy, candidates need to be careful while answering the EKT exam. Negative marking is one of the biggest reasons for a candidate to not qualify for the SSB interview. So be careful and answer questions that you know.Detailed Instructions
- Total number of Questions 50. Each Question carries three marks.
- One mark will be deducted for every wrong answer.
- No mark will be deducted for un-attempted questions.
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