Mock test of original CDSE 1 2017 General Knowledge Question Paper
CDSE 1 2017 original General Knowledge question paper had total 120 questions. Total time given to answer all the questions is 2 hours.
Prepare for upcoming CDS exams by attempting online CDSE 1 2017 practice set for sure shot success. Here in this practice set, original CDSE 1 2017 general knowledge question paper is provided for all aspirants with answer key.
CDSE 1 2017 GK Questions
Here are few of the question asked in CDSE 1 2017 GK question paper.
The mammalian heart is myogenic and it is regulated by nerves. The heartbeat originates from ?
The plant growth regulators are small, simple molecules of diverse chemical composition. They are....
Consider the electromagnetic radiations having wavelengths 200 nm, 500 nm and 1000 nm. Which wavelength(s) of the following can make visual sensation to a human eye?
A copper wire of radius r and length l has a resistance of R. A second copper wire with radius 2r and length l is taken and the two wires are joined in a parallel combination. The resultant resistance of the parallel combination of the two wires will be____.
A parallel-plate capacitor of capacitance C1 is made using two gold plates. Another parallel-plate capacitor of capacitance C2 is made using two aluminium plates with same plate separation, and all the four plates are of same area. If ρg and ρa are respectively the electrical resistivities of gold and aluminium, then which one of the following relations is correct?
A photon of X-ray has energy of 1 keV. A photon of visible radiation has energy of 3 eV. In this context, which one of the following statements is not correct?
The optical phenomenon that is primarily responsible for the observation of rainbow on a rainy day is
With regard to ‘Project Tiger’, which one of the following statements is not correct?
Which one of the following is not a biosphere reserve of India?
Which one of the following statements with regard to the Indian Railways is not correct?
Which one of the following is not an Inter-Services Establishment?
Which one of the following is a Peacetime Gallantry Award?
The Headquarters of the Southern Naval Command of the Indian Navy is located at which one of the following places?
Amartya Sen was awarded the Nobel Prize for his contribution to ?
The rank of Captain of the Indian Navy is equivalent to which one of the following?
Which one of the following statements is correct in relation to the Indian Air force?
The Indian Navy in October 2016 commissioned the highly maneuverable fast attack craft INS Tihayu. INS Tihayu would be based in ?
So go on and practice this online mock test of CDSE 1 2017 GK question paper and prepare well for the upcoming UPSC exam.
Detailed Instructions
Each of the CDSE 1 2017 GK question carries 3 marks for correct answer.One mark will be deducted for each wrong answer.