Original AFCAT 2 2016 question paper
AFCAT 2 2016 exam was held on 28th August 2016 by the Indian Air Force. AFCAT exam is the gateway for becoming an officer in the Air Force after graduation. AFCAT 2 2016 question paper has 100 questions. Here is the breakdown of questions asked in the exam.
English - 25 questions
General Knowledge - 14 questions
Current affairs - 11 questions
Verbal reasoning - 28 questions
Non verbal reasoning - 22 questions
Total - 100 questions
Here is online AFCAT 2 2016 question paper practice set. Canddiates who are preparing for AFCAT exam may appear for the test to check their preparation level.
Also you will get solutions of the AFCAT question paper after finishing the test to review your answers.
Detailed Instructions
Each question carries 3 marks.One mark will be deducted for each wrong answer.