If I write a real life story regarding any famous personality in SSB PPDT test what will happen?
Is it good to write real life inspirational story in the PPDT answer sheet?
By :
Neha Dubey
Member Level : Platinum
Commented On : 10 Feb 2018
Points : 2
Writing a real life story in PPDT test of SSB interview is the worst thought. You can never predict what picture comes in the PPDT test. So if you have decided to write about the story of suppose sportsman Ussain Bolt for a picture depicting a road accident, then it will be a nightmare. So it is always good to frame story with little bit creativity and as you have asked, you could use little bit real life inspirational story theme too. But you will require hundreds of stories to match perfectly with the PPDT picture.
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By : Neha Dubey Member Level : Platinum Commented On : 10 Feb 2018 Points : 2
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