Answer for Word Association Test WAT practice test

Attempted By : Rohit kumar guptaAnswered on : 02 Feb 2017
Sl NoQuestionAnswer
1 Fire
2 Game Winning or losing doesn't matter in a game what t matter is your
3 Bright
4 Hot Hot water fell on my foot .
5 Fly
6 Future Future is bright ahead of you work hard.
7 Crime
8 Clever Doing right thing at right place is cleverness.
9 Afford
10 Happy We must always achieve for our happiness
11 Combat Army people are seen in different combat .
12 Burden Be a liable person to your family not a burden .
13 Worship People worship different good in different religion.
14 War War is not the ultimate solution for any problem.
15 Prasie Every good work must be praised.
16 Guarantee Hundred percent success is guaranteed if
17 Brutal The person survived after being brutually
18 Scandal The person was accused for this scandal.
19 Interfere Don't interfere in someone's work.
20 Choice Whether you want to serve your country the cover is yours
21 Doubt Think before you dought your best friend.
22 Crowd The crowd turned into a turmoil.
23 Gem Knowledge is your precious gem.
24 Pity I felt pity fir him when he was being
25 Infection A cut wound may result in an infection if you don't apply m
26 Read Read your question carefully before you answer.
27 Murder Commuting a murder is a crime.
28 Result Do your best without thinking of its result ans
29 Average It is an easy test for average level students.
30 Freedom We must enjoy our freedom.
31 Dismiss Doing a mistake will lead to your di
32 Tidy We must keep our surrounding neat and tidy.
33 Grudge
34 Judge
35 Sorrow We must see through our sorrow
36 Nation We must aim to serve our nation.
37 Operation Indian army successfully carried out this oper
38 Clever Doing right thing at right place is cleverness.
39 All All describes the strength
40 Possible Everything is possible on this earth.if we are determined
41 Drive We should not drink alcohol and drive.
42 Tree We must think of some innovative idea to save trees .
43 Cheat Getting something from cheating is not right.
44 Shout Shout out loudly in a lonely place to get rid of your an
45 Venom The venom of snake is very poisonous.
46 Cruel Being
47 Dance Dance helps us in keeping ourselves fit.
48 Religion A person is not determined by his religion but through his deeds
49 Army India is one of the superpower in army
50 Discipline Doing right work at right
51 Rule Obeying rules are qualities of a good declipl
52 Lonely We feel lonely because we are not mingled with our society.
53 Problem Every problem has a solution.
54 Pride We must take pride in what we do.
55 Rank Rank does not matter in any exam what matters most is
56 Soldier A soldiers primary duty is to serve
57 Defeat We learn many things from our
58 Achieve There should be will and determination to achieve goal.
59 Zealous
60 Rigid Rigidity is determined by hardness of the material.
61 Kill


Answers need improvement. As mentioned in the previous answer sheet, avoid vague sentences.
Have any opinion about the answer?

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Commented By : Neha Dubey       Member Level : Platinum      Commented On : 14-Feb-2017       Points : 2      

Vague sentences are those sentences that lack objective. Such as Whether you want to serve your country the cover is yours.

Commented By : Rohit kumar gupta       Member Level : Bronze      Commented On : 02-Feb-2017       Points : 2      

Can you please elaborate by meaning avoid vague sentences ........ Does it mean that I should not be specific

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