Answer for Word Association Test WAT practice test

Attempted By : vijayAnswered on : 25 Dec 2017
Sl NoQuestionAnswer
1 Fire good source of energy creation.
2 Bright camera with less than 2.0 apperture clicks brighter photo
3 Fly airplanes fly on the principle of aerodynamics.
4 Crime tough rules are there for crimes.
5 Afford one can't afford to loose again and again.
6 Game very coding and
7 Hot in summer normal temperature of Rajasthan is 40 degree
8 Future person's present defines his future.
9 Clever a cat is a clever pat animal.
10 Happy happy ending of stories are loved by viewers.
11 Combat new weapons are imported from USA
12 Burden new way of learning decreasing the burden from students
13 Worship India purchased new warships from Russia.
14 War last world war was between 1943 to 1948.
15 Prasie idk.
16 Guarantee company guarantees their produ
17 Brutal out of many, brutal force attack is way of hackin
18 Scandal death scandal was resolved by high court.
19 Interfere dispertion of light is deu to interference of dust particles
20 Choice every citizen of india is allowed to choose
21 Doubt Clearing doubts at initial stage solves bigger problems.
22 Crowd ram's singing attracted the crowd.
23 Gem after every touch point gems are coll in game.
24 Pity I am pity sure about the outcomes of exams.
25 Infection h1n1 is moving with air.
26 Read reading habit of one helps one to
27 Murder victim was punished.
28 Result better thinking ability results in better outcomes
29 Average sex ratio of india is 889 on average.
30 Freedom right to freedom is our 6th article.
31 Dismiss conference was dismissed after successful talk.
32 Tidy his room was tidy and messy.
33 Grudge IDK.
34 Judge final decision was made by judge of supreme court.
35 Sorrow sorrow is way of happiness.
36 Nation Unity.
37 Operation success rate of indian surgeon is 85%
38 Clever a cat is clever pat animal.
39 All all candidates participated in celebration.
40 Possible numbers tells the possible outcome of any situatuions
41 Drive driving safely avoid accidents
42 Tree fruits are good for health.
43 Cheat once a win with never lasts longer.
44 Shout average frequency human being can hear is
45 Venom
46 Cruel Softness can defeat cruel person.
47 Dance kattapudi is an Indian Dance form.
48 Religion India is a country with multiple religions.
49 Army Strong Nation.
50 Discipline The motto of NCC is Unity and discipline.
51 Rule there are 465 articles and 15 sections in indian constitution
52 Lonely work from home is alternate of unem
53 Problem problems can be solved by critical thinking.
54 Pride India Amry is a pride of the Nation.
55 Rank Air chief marshal is the highest rank in Indian Air Force.
56 Soldier more the soldier more will be the stronger nation.
57 Defeat india defeated Pakistan thrice in a row.
58 Achieve hard work achieves your dreams.
59 Zealous I am not zealous of him.
60 Rigid


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