Answer for Word Association Test WAT practice test

Attempted By : KunalAnswered on : 06 Aug 2017
Sl NoQuestionAnswer
1 Fire careful while d
2 Bright India has a bright future.
3 Fly Women opting for airforce flying over army an navy.
4 Crime Crime against women is increasing
5 Afford India affords nuclear capability.
6 Game Follow the rules of game.
7 Hot Middle east countries are hot and humid.
8 Future India has a bright future.
9 Clever India is clever in dealing with china.
10 Happy music makes me happy.
11 Combat Surgical strike was a close combat.
12 Burden Planning of task helps in maintaning burden.
13 Worship Work is worship.
14 War India won Kargil War.
15 Prasie good acts are always praised.
16 Guarantee MNREGA is a employement guarantee act.
17 Brutal Tratiotrs are
18 Scandal CIA solves sca
19 Interfere Interference is a phenomenon of light.
20 Choice Multiple choice quizzes a
21 Doubt Discussion clears doubts.
22 Crowd Street shows attracts crowd.
23 Gem Taj mahal is a gem of country.
24 Pity I feel pity for poor
25 Infection Awareness avoids infections.
26 Read Reading newspapers increases general knowledge.
27 Murder "Murder in a minute" is a interesting book.
28 Result best results can be achieved by hard work .
29 Average INdia has poor sex ratio average.
30 Freedom Soldier maintains freedom in the country.
31 Dismiss USA dismissed its involthe paris agreement.
32 Tidy A man is known for his dressing and addressing.
33 Grudge determination of work overcomes g
34 Judge Self assesment removes
35 Sorrow happiness overcomes sorrow.
36 Nation Patrotism makes a nation great.
37 Operation India successfully wing
38 Clever India is clever in dealing with china.
39 All Democracy accepts views of everyone.
40 Possible Everything is possible.
41 Drive Careful driving avoids accidents.
42 Tree Trees provides us oxygen.
43 Cheat Cheating shows lack of confidence.
44 Shout speak boldly .
45 Venom snakes venom is used in making medicines.
46 Cruel love overcomes
47 Dance Dancing is a healthy excercise .
48 Religion All religions are sacred.
49 Army Indian army is world third largest army.
50 Discipline Army life is disciplined.
51 Rule rules are meant to be followed.
52 Lonely Company of friends removes loneliness
53 Problem Planning makes the problem easy.
54 Pride I take pride of being an Indian.
55 Rank With high rank comes high responsibility.
56 Soldier Soldier carries patrotism in his blood.
57 Defeat Learn from defeat.
58 Achieve Teamworks helps in achieving geater heights.
59 Zealous Jealous burns your craetivity.
60 Rigid Solids are hard and rigid.


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