Answer for SSB interview Picture Perception and Description Test Picture Story Writing Practice Set - 5

Attempted By : vishnuAnswered on : 28 Dec 2016
Sl NoQuestionAnswer
1 manu was a crippled boy.he is bright .when others of his age go and play outside he cant do that because of his disability.firstly he cursed himself for being a cripple but the speeches of nick vukjicic made him strong and rethink.he decided to not curse him for what we didnt have rather he started to using what he have.he decided to go and study shootting .his parents dont want him to go for that but he convince them.he go to study shooting and gave his 100% to it . he practiced for hours in a day with his teacher and meditated more and get control over his mind.his teacher was very happy of his progress and dedication.on the years district championship he won.again in state and national level. he become famous soon and national judges noted him and gave him more scientific coachings the man later evolved as the finest shooter in the world .and conquered many titles


Concept is good. Needs to improve your English. Need to write sentences more clearly.
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