Answer for SSB interview Picture Perception and Description Test Picture Story Writing Practice Set - 5

Attempted By : Hardeep MoradiyaAnswered on : 22 Aug 2017
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1 Sumit is a 17 years old boy living in rampur village. He is a football player. once a day he came after doing his practice and he was so tired that he gets asleep. but during this time, his mother wanted to go outside in the market to buy vegetables. since sumit was sleeping, his mother didn't wake him up, as she knew that he was tired a lot. so, she locked the door from outside and went to the market. but when sumit wakes up, he wanted to go outside. but he was not able to open the door. so, from window he tried to call the bypassers, to help him. and he manage to find the guy passing there and tells him to look at the door from outside. the guy told him that the door is locked from outside, so sumit understood that his mother might have locked the door and went outside without waking him up. so he waits for her mother to come and when she comes and opens the doo


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