Answer for SSB interview Picture Perception and Description Test Picture Story Writing Practice Set - 5

Attempted By : satyaAnswered on : 28 Apr 2017
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1 Shyam is a brilliant boy who lives with his father and step mother . Inspite of being humble boy his step mother was not supportive to him. Shyam is very fond of helping people he always want to want the people , he was so brilliant that he used to teach the poor boys of his village . One day he spent so much time in helping the the old lady that he got late . he got scolded by his parents for this . But he was satisfied that he had helped the old lady . He was so dedicated that he always follows his parents advice . But again one day he saw that a women is being harrased by a man he firstly alarm the villagers and ran to help the women he fight with all his strength and saved the women . He got home unaware about his action parents thought that he had repeated the mistake and to teach him a lesson they locked him up in the house. Shyam was sad because he know now he cannot help other people.


Concept of helping the other poor people is good. Story lacks clarity and also it makes hero as a weaker one as the hero is not able to convince his parents about his activities.
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