Answer for Online Word Association Test Practice

Attempted By : VIKNESHAN VRAnswered on : 01 Aug 2017
Sl NoQuestionAnswer
1 Speak
2 Bonding
3 Treat
4 Fool
5 Begger
6 Fear
7 Bond
8 Frighten
9 Write
10 Try
11 Coward
12 Lie
13 Act
14 Grim
15 Labor
16 Zeal
17 Clue
18 Dry water scarcity during dry season
19 Weak bus got brake down due to weak
20 Truth
21 Excellent excellent
22 Argue people argue with government officer for getting water
23 Figure draw figure which describe the purity of water
24 Primary
25 Guilty ratha feels guilty for beating his frin
26 Trouble new scheme should not give trouble
27 React government reacted a
28 Law people should obey the law
29 Seal government sealed many liquor shop in sta
30 Destination
31 Tiger tiger saves small baby in trazon movie
32 Victory victory comes after a hard work
33 Meet he and she had meeting in hotel
34 Beg people should stop begging
35 History great people life can be hear
36 Jail prisoners in jail doing some handy works
37 Viper
38 Hurt people get hurt when no
39 Drama many actor came to cinema after doing drama
40 Cry people used to cry when their success comes
41 Poor many poor ppl joined together while saving chennai from
42 Quick ram has to run quick
43 Excess excess of water and food were getting wasted
44 Traitor
45 Brave many solider bravely fighting for nation in border
46 Sweet he s so sweet to his friends
47 Win in a game winning makes famous
48 Father father he the best friend of everyone life
49 Read reading newspaper s useful to everyone
50 Team member in team plays a vital role
51 Offer during adi sale many shops offer 50% discount
52 Snake sister got scared on seeing skin of snake in
53 Ambush they played ambush
54 Detail history has lot of detail description abt freedom
55 Dream dream has to
56 Kill dont kill cow for slaughter
57 Ground he used to spent much time in ground in college
58 Criminal judge order criminal to pay a fine
59 Answer answering relevant
60 Play playing outdoor games daily makes body fit


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