Answer for Online SSB PPDT Story Writing Practice Set -4

Attempted By : satyaAnswered on : 28 Apr 2017
Sl NoQuestionAnswer
1 Online PPDT Story Writing Practice The hero is the boy named Shyam who has a little sister . He belongs to a very poor family who earns their bread by working as a labors . Due to economical conditions both brother and sister has to work as labors also . Shyam is a very generous and talented boy he always want to take care of his family . He was supportive to his sister and always wish that she dont have to do the work . His sister was also aware about the condition . they work together at the mill where some construction work is going on. Shyam was holding the apparatus and having some trouble with it . His sister came and asked what happened , he applied that it was nothing and said the sister that she should leave the work and go to the school . He made her to go to the school . He is also very good in studies, despite working he manages to study at night and by this he has fulfileed d


Concept of supporting sister is good. Try to complete the story.
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