Answer for Online SSB PPDT practice test Picture - 1

Attempted By : Samar anandAnswered on : 04 Jan 2017
Sl NoQuestionAnswer
1 Online PPDT practice test Rebecca was a unemployed graduate in Nigeria.She has a habit of reading news paper daily to know about job opportunities available for graduates and also to know about current affairs.One daily while going through editorial page,she saw a story related to a old man who lost his family in a tragedic accident.she was deeply moved by his situation and decided to help him and she gets jobs.Later,she went to interview and there when interviewer asked about the situation which moved her very much.She narrated the story of the old man,the company management also shown sympathy for his condition and decided to help him as a part of corporate social responsibility.they appreciated her to bring his condition into their notice and offered a job and interviewing her.


Story needs improvement. Rebecca is not employed and had not directly helped the old man. So there is some more clarity needed to justify OLQs. Also improve English.
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