Answer for Online SSB PPDT practice test Picture - 1

Attempted By : chaitanya bAnswered on : 12 Jul 2017
Sl NoQuestionAnswer
1 Online PPDT practice test ther are two guys one man and a woman looking like 65 to 80 year old ,what i observe from the pictrure is a very positive happy feeling by the interaction they have in this ,what arise this situation is their daily scheduled work ,but today is something different as we can see old lady is busy on reading news paper and old man cme to him to ask about a walk that he wanted to have with his wife fro very long time ,so he is very happy and wan make his wife happy too. he want to share his past day work and experience with his wife and his wife with him. their dialy scheduled work always keep them busy and have a little talk with each other but going out his wife is interesting for old man so he in good mood today and want to do this today for a refreshment , the future of this is tomorrow will be very energetic for them and again to start life happily.everyone should learn from these two old guys ,not only old one but youth person also that focus on


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