Are you looking for Indian Army SSC Tech 43 course SSB interview dates? Army has released official cut off and SSB centre allotment list for SSCT 43 course today. Check out SSC Tech course SSB dates and cut off.
SSCT 43 Official Cut Off Marks
Indian Army has received thousands of SSC Tech 43 applications and has set the cut off based on average marks. After considering all relevant factors, SSC Tech 43 course cut off is set as 66% and above by Indian Army. This cut off is considered for first six semester exams only. Candidates who have got more than the cut off have been allotted with SSB centre.SSC Tech 43 SSB Dates
SSC Tech 43 course centre allotment list has been released by the Indian Army today. There are total 34391 candidates who are shortlisted through cut off. SSB interviews for SSC Tech 43 course will be held at Bhopal, Allahabad and Bangalore selection centres. Till now Army has not uploaded the exact SSB interview dates for SSC Tech 43 course.SSC Tech 43 SSB Centre Distribution
Total 17432 candidates out of 34391 will be tested through SSB Allahabad Board of Indian Army. SSB Bhopal will hold SSB interviews for 10907 candidates. And Bangalore selection board will hold SSC Tech 43 SSB interviews for total candidates. We will update soon the SSC Tech 43 SSB dates here.- SSC Tech 43 SSB Dates - Allahabad SSB
- Bhopal SSB Dates
- Bangalore SSB Dates
Note : If you want to get alert about SSC Tech 43 Allahabad / Bhopal / Bangalore SSB dates through an e-mail, write down your email and roll number in the comments. We will email you your SSB interview date.
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