Check out best AFCAT preparation plan here. Here is a plan to prepare well for AFCAT examination. Read on to know about day wise plan to prepare and pass AFCAT exam and best books for reasoning, English, general awareness and numerical ability.
AFCAT exam is getting tougher as the days are passing. Earlier standard of the exam was little low and many candidates used to easily score good marks. But today, AFCAT exam is also a tough one to pass. So one needs proper planning and good amount of hard work to crack AFCAT exam. Here, we have given a ideal routine to prepare for AFCAT exam. As the AFCAT syllabus is divided in four parts, we also kept the plan by keeping four segments. In a day, we have kept three sessions. One may work out the timings of session according to their convenience. Days Session-I Session-II Session-III 1 R - Analogy(V) Q-Basics G.K-History 2 R-Syllogism Q-Decimal Fraction E-Basic Grammar 3 R-Series(NV) Q-Simplification G.K-History 4. R-Classification(V) Q-Average E-Basic Grammar 5. R-Venn Diagram Q-Profit & Loss G.K-Geography 6. R-Classification(NV) Q-Percentage E-Comprehension 7. R-Classification(NV) Q-Ratio & Proportion G.K-Geography 8. R-Direction Sense Q-Simple Interest E-Sentence Completion 9. R-Mirror Images & Water Images E-Sentence Completion G.K-Physics 10. R-Embedded Figures Q-Decimal Fraction & Simplification Revision G.K-Physics 11. R-Completing Incomplete Pattern G.K-Chemistry E-Error Detection 12. R-Paper Folding, Paper Cutting Q-Average ,Profit & Loss Revision G.K-Chemistry 13. R-Rule Detection , Grouping of Identical Figures G.K-Biology E-Error Detection 14. R-Cubes and Dice Q-Percentage, Ratio & Proportion Revision E-Testing Of Vocabulary 15. R-Dots Situation, Construction of Squares and Triangles G.K-Biology G.K-Miscellaneous 16. R-Figure Formation,Inequalities Q-Simple Interest G.K-Miscellaneous 17. R-Topics which you are not confident Q-Topics which you are not confident G.K-Miscellaneous 18. G.K-Miscellaneous G.K-Sports G.K-Sports 19. G.K-Defence G.K-Polity G.K-Polity 20. G.K-Polity Current Affairs Current Affairs 21. Current Affairs Current Affairs Current Affairs 22. Maths Revision Maths Revision English Grammar Revision 23. Current Affairs Current Affairs Reasoning-Quick Revision 24. Reasoning-Quick Revision G.K-Revision G.K-Revision 25. G.K-Revision G.K-Revision G.K-Revision
- R-Reasoning
- V-Verbal
- NV-Non-Verbal
- E-English
- Q-Quantitative Aptitude
- G.K-General Knowledge
- Q-Basics Addition, Subtraction etc. shortcuts
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