About to appear in SSB interview and looking for hot SSB group discussion topics? Biggest problem in India is the currently hot discussion topic. Check out complete information on biggest problems of India topic for SSB interviews.
SSB GD Topic - Which is the biggest problem India facing?
a) Illiteracy
b) Poverty
c) Population
India today is a country of 1 billion people. We as a nation are faced by a number of problems. They are Illiteracy, Poverty and Population being the main issues. These three problems are interrelated and it is like a big tree where Illiteracy is the trunk of the tree. Poverty like the branches and Population like the leaves. For our country to progress we need to tackle all the three simultaneously.
India's literacy rate today stands at 65%. Out of every 100 persons who join class, barely 30 complete class V. 28% of schools have either one or no teacher at all. Our planner had promised in the directive principles of the constitution (1950) to provide within 10 years free and compulsary education for all children under the age of 14 years. Ten years have stretched to 50 years. On the human resource index we today stand at 154 out of 201 nations. Two third of our population is poor which means they do not have the minimum level of education necessary for functioning of the human capabilities. Take the example of China, which made primary education free and compulsary as late as 1986 and has effectively used education as an instrument of social change. To tackle the problem we need to have a dependable work force at the middle and the lower level.The average product of our educational system is of such poor quality that one is almost unemployable and unfit for any contribution to the nation building. We at school level have to prove the effectiveness of education. We need to show the progress that a child has made during his school days and cover the hidden cost like books, clothing tutors to make primary education attractive. Today we as a Nation have to realise that the essence of real security lies in the safe guarding people - Their capabilities - Not just safe guarding the borders. Literates in India Males 75.85% Females 54.16%
we have the highest number of poor and hungry people in the world. Almost 36% of population go to bed without " Two square meals a day". Despite the national food grain output touching a record high of 189.6million tonnes in 1995. India is not free from chronic and endemic starvation. Incidentally India's food production is higher than China yet every body in the communist country has enough local. In India however one out of even, two children under five is malnourished. The problem is was purchasing power of people. Most of our population is a vast unorganised sector, which is characterised by low production and low income.Even if these people work for 15 hrs a day they don't make enough to buy food. The "Public Distribution System" (PDS) meets the need of only 25% of the population. As for poverty alleviation scheme such as integrated "Rural Development Program "(RDP), "Jawahar Rozgar Yozna" (JRY) only 15 paise of every rupee actually spent reaches the poor. The solution rests in creating employment opportunities and in working from bottom up. We need economic growth, which will bring monetary benefits to one an all. We need to concentrate on social sectors where the human development index is high infant morality is low and literacy is high. We must ensure that the (PDS) reaches 50% of the population. We need to successfully implement "Employment Guarantee Scheme". If the above schemes are sincerely implemented poverty will be surely checked.
India officially had a population of 1027,015,247 on March 2001. Between 2035 and 2'050'A.D we will well surpass China. The "Crude Birth Rate" (CBR) in India is 27.4, while China has brought it down tol6. Our policy maker has for seen the dangers as early as 1951 and formulated the world's first official family planning programme. Experts from Indonesia, South Korea, Malaysia and Thailand came to India to study this pioneering initiative. Today their success rate is much higher than that of India. There are three main reasons for the staggering (CBR)a) Increase in the number of reproductive age persons.
b) Unmet need for family planning method.
c) High infant mortality rate
Census of India 2001
Persons -1027,015,247
Males - 53,277,078
Females - 495.7j8.1969
India’s current population is 1,07.0706,806 and growth rate Growing at the rate of: * 52 per minute * 5120 per hour *74,480 per day
* 2.7 crore per year
For a country which is 1/3 the size of China any increase in the population will be dangerous. With millions of unemployed youth where women being treated as pawns having no say in the number of children they want. Further rise in the (CBR) will be fatal for the nation. The solution rests in moving from useless emphasis on achieving targets to overall "Reproductive Health" where even effort have been innovative and imaginative. They have worked the (CBR) of the southern states like Andhra Pradesh 22.7, Kamataka 23, Tamil Naidu 19.2, Kerela 17.8, Goa 14.1 is hearting, where as the primary states have nullified whatever we have achieved. (CBR) of Bihar-32.1,, MP-32.4. Rajasthan 32.3 upto - 34. Together they contribute 50% to the rise in population annually. The public today is aware about family planning and its importance. How ever awareness and action are two distinct features. Coercion doesn't work in a democracy and the lessons of emergence haven't been forgotten. Unless the birth rate is reduced, the country will not develop, either way it is a now in situation.
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