Looking for best tips to pass Situation Reaction Test of SSB interview? SRT situations are very tricky and are confusing sometimes. Read on to know how to tackle confusing SRT situations and how to write good answers and responses.
There will be some situations given in Situation Reaction Test of SSB interview in which you are helpless to do anything. You can only admit that you are helpless and surrender before the situation. You may feel that these situations does not make sense at all. For example, a situation given in our confusing SRT questions is "You have cancer and the doctor said that you will die in one week. But you don't want to die. You will....". In this situation, one cannot do anything to avert his death. Many candidates may wonder why this type of absurd questions asked in SRT tests. Though this type of SRT questions seem absurd and silly, they can reveal many personality traits of candidates. Let us see sample reactions for this SRT question. One candidate may wrote that he cannot do anything to live longer as it is out of his hands to control the situation. Another response may be as I will live happily for the rest few days till I am alive. Another candidate may write as I will consult another doctor and check out whether there is any chance of living longer. One may write as I will pray to god and god will make my life longer. Thus, these type of answers we may see from various candidates.
Your response depends on your mental state and personality. Though it is possible to change or tune your responses for few SRT questions, you cannot change entire personality. Sooner or later, psychologists will come to know about your true character and thus you will be recommended or not recommended as per OLQs you have.
We suggest you that you should write down natural response for confusing SRT questions. If you want to score good marks in SRT test of SSB interview and reveal your original personality you must be honest while writing down your responses.
Well, here is a simple trick to get good impression through SRT test. If you find that the question may be little absurd and you will fall prey to the psychologist, you may choose to leave the question unanswered. If you do not answer the question, psychologist cannot come to a conclusion of your certain OLQs for which the questions are designed. Thus, this will neutralise the negativity or weakness of you for some extant.
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