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Apply for AFCAT 01/2013 online through official IAF website upto 08 January 2013

Written by Neha Dubey on Dec 17, 2012

Want to apply for AFCAT 01/2013 exam online? Indian Air Force has invited applications from graduates, post graduates and under graduates to become commissioned officer in IAF. Read on to know more on last date and how to register for AFCAT 01/2013.

Indian Air Force has announced the AFCAT 01/2013 notification officially in the last week. AFCAT exam is the entrance exam conducted by IAF for recruiting eligible candidates for the post of officer in various branches such as Administrative, Technical and Flying branches.

After AFCAT exam is over, then the short listed candidates will be called for SSB interview. SSB onterview is conducted by Air Force Selection Board i.e., AFSB. If the AFSB board recommends the candidate, then the medical board will examine the recommended candidates thoroughly. Medically fit candidates will be absorbed into Indian Air Force as commissioned officers.

Eligibility Criteria to apply for AFCAT 01/2013 online

Candidate must be in final year or completed graduation. As per the choice and educational qualification, the age varies. Here are the two official notifications to check out the exact qualifications for registering online.

Official Career Air Force notification for men.

Official Career Air Force notification for women.

Eligible candidates can register and apply for the AFCAT 01/2013 exam online. If you have checked out the eligibility and want to apply, then you can register for AFCAT online here.

If you are facing any problem in any of the forms of online application, go through our how to apply for AFCAT online tutorial to get help.

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