Answer for Word Association Test WAT practice test

Attempted By : SunilAnswered on : 11 Dec 2016
Sl NoQuestionAnswer
1 Fire coast guard has good fire fighting system fitted every ship
2 Bright the future of a hard worker is always bright
3 Fly indian pilot fly high to hide from enemy eyes
4 Crime crime is always punishable and no one be spared
5 Afford inflation of rates of vegetable be afforded by citiz
6 Game in cricket game india win word cup in 2003
7 Hot india has threes seasons hot cold and mansoon
8 Future nulcear energy is used as source of future e
9 Clever clever act by indian army stops terrorism en
10 Happy india independence was most happiest moment
11 Combat combat training is compulsary in few countries
12 Burden over population is burden for india's development
13 Worship work is worship for indian to get success
14 War war is made to make peace
15 Prasie india peace policy praised at world forum
16 Guarantee indian forces gives guarantee of safety and security of nation
17 Brutal the act was cutting soldiers head was brutal act by pak rangers
18 Scandal scandals always exposed by better investigation by officers
19 Interfere pak has interefere indias terrotory many
20 Choice when pak attack india has no choice expect attack
21 Doubt when is there any doubt has to be clear by superiors.
22 Crowd with better planning crowd was controlled in kumbh mela
23 Gem there are many gems in indian armed forces
24 Pity pity is one of the quality of great leaders and officers
25 Infection infections can be reduced by isolat
26 Read reading is best habbit to remove aloofness
27 Murder murder is crime comes under section
28 Result hard work pay best result
29 Average an average person also achieve success for continue practicing
30 Freedom freedom of speech is our fundamental rights
31 Dismiss india dismiss the charges framed by Pak in UN
32 Tidy coast guard ships are neat and tidy
33 Grudge pakistan has grudge over india for three defeats
34 Judge judge gives correct judgement after listening verdict of both side
35 Sorrow life is full of joy and happiness
36 Nation intregation of india nation is beauty of world
37 Operation operation vijay was won by india and captured karg
38 Clever pakistan and china are very clever country
39 All all efforts have been made to peace in pok
40 Possible which is possible have been done which is not possible will be done
41 Drive drive safely is good for society and family
42 Tree tree only stops ozon lair loss
43 Cheat always be faithfull to each and everyone
44 Shout shouting on subordinate is not good always
45 Venom snake venom used to make medicines
46 Cruel indians are very kind to their enemy also
47 Dance India has many form of dances
48 Religion india has many religion together and make hormany
49 Army Indian army have pride on his bravery
50 Discipline discipline in maintained in all forces
51 Rule obey traffic rules for safety
52 Lonely books remove lonelyness
53 Problem population is great problem for indias development
54 Pride india has pride to have great brave army
55 Rank all three forces as same rank structure only names are change
56 Soldier soldier of india are mentaly and physically tough
57 Defeat india defeated pak thrice and show his bravery
58 Achieve to achieve success give support to your juniors
59 Zealous be friendly to your sub ordinates for success
60 Rigid be flexible for better result


Overall good answers. Need to improve grammar.
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