Answer for Word Association Test WAT practice test

Attempted By : Sachin Kumar SinghAnswered on : 04 May 2017
Sl NoQuestionAnswer
1 Fire the fire within provoke to achie
2 Bright brightness remove darkness
3 Fly work hard to fly high on dreams
4 Crime education reduces crime
5 Afford
6 Game team spirit win games
7 Hot hot conversation can be informative
8 Future future if nation in hands in youth hands
9 Clever excessivecleverness
10 Happy
11 Combat a good practice will lead to victory in combat
12 Burden burden of work increase stamina
13 Worship keeping faith in worship
14 War create distruction
15 Prasie hardwork is praised all aro
16 Guarantee forces guarantee the safety of country
17 Brutal brutal nature do only harm more than good
18 Scandal create an impact
19 Interfere interfer in public intrest
20 Choice living by choice is a freedom
21 Doubt doubts can result in innovations
22 Crowd step out of crowd
23 Gem gem is found with inro
24 Pity govenment showed pity on poor
25 Infection
26 Read reading habits develope knowled
27 Murder is a crime
28 Result hard work bear good results
29 Average average can be made
30 Freedom is birth right for everyoonr
31 Dismiss dismiss the negitive thought
32 Tidy tidy clothes are praised
33 Grudge grudge weak one
34 Judge check the fact before judgi
35 Sorrow pain lead to sorrow
36 Nation dutyful toward nation
37 Operation army operations are well organised
38 Clever clever decisions save in critica
39 All all together can create more strength
40 Possible sheer determination makes every thing po
41 Drive enjoy the drive
42 Tree gives fresh air and shadow
43 Cheat makes weak
44 Shout avoinding
45 Venom used for making medicine
46 Cruel cruel nature should be diinished
47 Dance joyous moments lead to da
48 Religion humanity is religion
49 Army protect nation
50 Discipline develop personality
51 Rule follow traffic rules
52 Lonely create innovative ideas
53 Problem solution lies within the problem
54 Pride cause ego
55 Rank Rank defines persona
56 Soldier serve nation
57 Defeat self awareness defeat ego
58 Achieve striving hard to achieve
59 Zealous zealous nature builds team spirit
60 Rigid rigid nature is often uacceptable


Most of the answers are good. Two things to keep in mind.
1. Improve English
2. Try to complete the sentences.
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