Answer for SSB PPDT picture story writing practice set 7

Attempted By : RahulRajputAnswered on : 20 Feb 2017
Sl NoQuestionAnswer
1 Young girl of age 24 is working on her new project in her company . She is a very hardworking as she decided to build a robot that would perform actions like humans do. so she decided to give more time to his project Nd started overtiming. She is dedicated to his work that she only focused to her goal of building a robot and nothing else . As time passed away after 3 weeks she was successful in her project and was so happy about it . The next day she went to the lab and started performing test on the robot . It was working quite well but needed some more work on it. She was so happy that she had achieved her goal by his hardwork and her storing determination for the project. Everything is possible if one has a will to do what he or she want to do. If he wanted to do what he want than no one can stop him from doing that. As the girl was positive about completing the project she completed it with her positive


Concept is good. But story needs improvement. First is improve your grammar. There are few grammatical errors in the story. Also don't preach something. Just write your story and let the story preach the things.
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