Answer for SSB interview Picture Perception and Description Test Picture Story Writing Practice Set - 5

Attempted By : Rashmi SAnswered on : 25 Jun 2017
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1 Reena was a 10 years old girl.She and her mother resides in a small village in Maharastra. Renna's father passed away 5yrs ago and she was very much attched to her mother.Her mother used to work in agricultural farm and do some tailoring work at home which severs them for bread and butter.Reena used to study well in her school and every one used to praise her. One afternoon Renna returned to her home from her school as they left her early ,as her school was about 5kms from her home she used go and come by walk by the time she reached home she was hungry and her mother had not prepared any thing as she was busy that day.Hence ,Renna was waiting for her mom to finish the work and serve her with afternoon's lunch.As the time passed she stood near the window watching outside the people and her neighbours as well as waiting for her lunch .Afetr some time her mother finished her work and prepared lunch and both of them had thier lunch together and Renna went out to play with her friends and had a nice time with them.


Story needs improvement. Story should reflect heroic actions of the lead character.
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