Answer for Online Word Association Test Practice

Attempted By : saketh reddyAnswered on : 04 Jan 2017
Sl NoQuestionAnswer
1 Speak politicians should speak for the benifits of people
2 Bonding
3 Treat
4 Fool
5 Begger begging is a bad habbit
6 Fear there is no fear to a brave heart
7 Bond james bond franchise is one of the oldest movie franchise
8 Frighten there is no freightening to a brave heart
9 Write writing dairy is a good habbit
10 Try the least i could do is try
11 Coward coward has no place in defence services
12 Lie telling lies is a bad habit
13 Act in this world it it better to act
14 Grim halloween movie was gr
15 Labor women went through labor pains which are very difficult
16 Zeal Zeal and hard work leads to success in life
17 Clue clues are necessary to solve a puzzle
18 Dry dry fruits are good for health
19 Weak strong always wins over weak
20 Truth truth prevails
21 Excellent life in defence services is excellent
22 Argue arguments based on reasoning are agreeble
23 Figure figure of indias gdp in the third quarter are goo
24 Primary primary education in india is mos under cbse board
25 Guilty those who found guilty were punishable in court
26 Trouble pakistan is in trouble for going against in
27 React indians reaction to demonnitization is divided
28 Law law is to keep the system in order
29 Seal authorized documents are always sealed
30 Destination manali was the nic
31 Tiger tiger is the national animal of our nation
32 Victory india beat pakistan and won victory
33 Meet
34 Beg Begging is not a good habbit
35 History one should know the history of ones own country
36 Jail criminals are sent to the jail
37 Viper viper is a dangerous snake
38 Hurt kind people ne
39 Drama dramas are the starting stage for films nowadays
40 Cry no point of crying over spilt milk
41 Poor helping the poor spreads good will
42 Quick
43 Excess excess amount of greenhouse leads to global warming
44 Traitor traitors are punished severely in defence services
45 Brave soldiers fought bravely in wars
46 Sweet
47 Win make lossing as a stepping stone to win in life
48 Father father is the best gift of god
49 Read reading the instructions carefully avoids a
50 Team team work leads to success
51 Offer india offered aid for the afghanistan
52 Snake snake is the dangerous aniamal
53 Ambush
54 Detail following a detailed instruction will avoid confusion
55 Dream many people dream is to join defence services
56 Kill
57 Ground dharmashala was the highest cricket groud in world
58 Criminal eve teasing is a criminal offence
59 Answer pakistan should answer for the attacks in
60 Play romeo and juliet is a good play by shakesphere


Few answers are good. Few answers are not acceptable such as James Bond movies are good etc.
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