Answer for Online SSB PPDT practice test Picture - 1

Attempted By : sameerAnswered on : 02 Jan 2017
Sl NoQuestionAnswer
1 Online PPDT practice test Shyam and Shivani are siblings. Shivani became a successful doctor through diligence and hard work. Shyam had a habit of drinking and he lost all his business due to his drinking habit. he became homeless and could not walk without stick because of his drinking habit . One day he decided to seek help from his sister. He went back to his sister and apologised for his mistakes. Shyam's sister apologised him and successfully counseled him in getting rid of alcohol. Soon, he became healthy and with the help of his sister he started a NGO to help people get rid of drinking habit. THus, he becomes aaa sucessful citizen of the country


Story needs improvement. Here it is not clear who the hero is. Is the man who got addicted to alcohol and later on got rid of the bad habit is a hero, or the woman who helped his brother to overcome addiction is the hero? Woman being a doctor has not counseled and convinced her brother to leave drinking habit. So she has not initiated any thing. Whereas if we consider the man as the hero, then hero's value is decreased as you have portrayed him as a drinker. So you should be careful about these things.
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